Stories Of Cancer And Hope

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    Stories Of Cancer And Hope is a collection of stories brought together by Kevin Donaghy from people affected by cancer.

    Each story is a lived experience of the impact of the disease and by sharing our stories, we hope to help people affected by cancer to feel that you are not alone.

    Hope is constant.
    "Cancer is a lonely place and finding a book like this can make you feel less alone"
    Dr Anisha,Patel
    Author of Everything You Hoped You Didn't Need to Know About Having Bowel Cancer

    "This is a brilliant book - full of hope!"
    Dr Liz O'Riordan
    Author of Under the Knife and The Complete Guide to Breast Cancer

    Buy the book

    Stories Of Cancer And Hope is available to buy in both print and digital editions.
    You can watch the announcement on Instagram.

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    The Print and Digital Edition is available to purchase on Books2Read with all profits going to Maggie’s.

    The Kindle Edition is available to purchase on Amazon with all profits going to Maggie’s.

    • account_circle
      This collection of stories, in each person's own voice, is a solid companion on the rocky road from cancer diagnosis. Very helpful in the hours of darkness, to help us sustain it and eventually see a glimmer of hope, no matter what the actual destination. We don't know and in a world where knowing or pretending to is a tyrannical trend, realising that we don't know is a first step towards understanding ALL the possibilities, including those we cannot imagine.
    • account_circle
      Thought provoking at the start of a, as yet, unnavigated journey. These widely varying accounts of hope in such difficult circumstances prove one thing for sure, that everyone’s cancer is different but there is hope everywhere. Gave me insight into a world I didn’t think I would see but I’m staring into it, it is, slightly, less frightening.
      LM Reynolds
    • account_circle
      Enlightening. Full of true-life stories from a real cancer patient. Don't read it all at once though, it will cost you more in tissues. Honoured to say I have met the compiler & what an extraordinary man! Profits go to Maggie's Charity.
      Jeannie B
    • account_circle
      Engaging, inspiring and helpful. This is a great read, with so many varied stories from amazing people. It makes you think, be grateful, want to help people keep fighting for better outcomes and to keep hoping. 👍😀
      Euan C
    • account_circle
      Thank you so much for the books. They are lovely to have in the ward. We have been giving them to some patients but also we have been giving them to our newer nurses. These books are great at focusing on the patient behind the disease process, they are deeply personal and they are something I would want all my nurses to read. For me personally the book helped me focus on why I do what I do, who I do it for and the stories behind the treatments. I will encourage all my staff to read it regularly.
      Senior Charge Nurse, Chemotherapy and Immunotherapy Day Unit

    Stories Of Cancer And Hope in the news

    Kay Burley interview on Sky News

    16 July 2024

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    Arun Verma interview on BBC Radio Midlands

    23 July 2024

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    Sue Dougan interview on BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

    24 July 2024

    Interview on STV

    29 May 2023.

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    Article in The Southern Reporter 25 July 2024.
    You can view the article

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    Article in The Press & Journal, 7 January 2024.
    You can view the article

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    Article in The Southern Reporter 19 January 2024.
    You can view the article

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    Article in The Times, 10 June 2023.
    You can view the article
    here or a PDF here.

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    Article in The Herald 22 September 2022.

    • account_circle
      Not only has Kevin Donaghy brought together heart wrenching and real life stories of different peoples’ experience with cancer, he has also given genuine hope to and reaffirmed to that those who have, had, and have been through cancer with someone who has or had it that you are not alone. Everyone should buy this book.
      James, UK
    • account_circle
      Having cancer can be a very lonely place. Friends and family may offer support however there is nothing better than hearing from others who have/had cancer. So many times I thought ‘that's happened to me’ when reading Stories of Cancer and Hope. After reading I don't feel as alone.
      David, UK
    • account_circle
      This is a brilliant book with stories from people affected by cancer. It highlights the fear, anxiety and reality of having, or being affected by, cancer. Most of all, these stories talk about hope... even in the darkest and most frightening moments - there is hope. A must read.
      DC, UK
    • account_circle
      Shares the hope and personal experiences of people living with cancer.
      Dazzer, UK
    • account_circle
      Kevin Donaghy has gathered stories from people facing cancer diagnoses of all kinds, and in assembling them in all their eloquence, has shown the power of hope. Hope brings positivity; it drives courage and resilience; it builds support networks of brothers and sisters all facing this multi-faceted and devious enemy. Most of all, for anyone (and your families) facing a cancer diagnosis, whatever the stage, Kevin’s wonderful book will bring inspiration, and crucially, it will remind you - you are never alone.
      Martin H

    Stories Of Cancer And Hope is supported by:

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    • account_circle
      Thank you so much for putting this book together - I am currently going through ‘scanxiety’ and reading the stories has really helped me and given me advice on how to stay hopeful and cope during this time!
      Bansri, UK
    • account_circle
      I found this book to be well written, emotive, thought-provoking and an interesting insight into individuals and their cancer journeys. As someone fairly recently diagnosed with Melanoma, it has given me hope and inspiration. Thank you.
      John, UK
    • account_circle
      I just wanted to say how good this book is, it shows you’re not alone and as I know, never stop believing you can beat this monster.
      Andy, UK
    • account_circle
      Stories of Cancer and Hope manages the high-wire feat of balancing between the tough reality of cancer and the hope that remains when a cancer diagnosis explodes in one’s life. Like a virtuoso conductor, Kevin Donaghy brings together (and joins) very different voices in harmony. Here, they each talk of their experience, expressing the hardships of cancer and singing the precious song of hope. These stories remind us that hope is about the present, not the future, and that it keeps shining through, as long as we keep our eyes open and don’t give up on it.
      Claude, UK
    • account_circle
      I love this book. It made me cry and smile many times and gave me hope when I felt down. I re-read some stories every now and again and it helps me to not feel alone.
      Alex, UK


    I would like to thank the following shows for giving me airtime, you can listen to the podcasts below and we would recommend you subscribe to hear all their content.

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    Full Circle Podcast
    Apple Podcasts
    Or YouTube

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    You Understood YU Talk Podcast
    with Paul Hutchison
    Apple Podcasts

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    Gary Daly


    Get in touch

    Stories Of Cancer And Hope was launched in May 2023 and a second print run was completed in November 2023.

    If you would like to get in touch please email

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    © Stories Of Cancer And Hope 2024
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